Yes, we provide installation support as a paid service. While free installation is not included, we offer detailed documentation to guide you through the installation process yourself.
The Extended License allows you to charge end users for using your product, unlike the Regular License, which does not permit this. If you intend to collect payments from end users for accessing your product, whether it’s sold, subscription-based, or part of a membership, you must obtain an Extended License. The license is limited to a single domain or application, meaning you must purchase a separate license for each domain or project. Additionally, multi-domain, multi-client, or using the item in multiple end products is not permitted under any license, whether regular or extended. The Extended License also includes lifetime free updates, but images are not included after purchase. This makes the Extended License ideal for businesses or developers looking to monetize their product or offer it under a paid model.
Support can be obtained by creating a ticket at our platform: Simply log in, describe your issue, and our support team will assist you promptly.
Addons provide additional features not included in the main script. If you require specific functionality that isn’t included in the standard version, purchasing an addon can extend the script’s capabilities to better meet your needs.
Addons must be installed alongside the main script and cannot function independently. They enhance the core script's functionality and are necessary for certain advanced features.
The script requires a server that supports PHP 7 or higher and MySQL (or similar databases like MariaDB). We recommend a well-configured PHP server or a managed hosting service like cPanel for ease of use.
Yes, we provide custom solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Simply share your requirements with us, and we'll explore how we can develop a solution that perfectly aligns with your project goals. Our team will work closely with you to understand your vision and offer a personalized development plan, including detailed pricing and timelines. Feel free to contact us to discuss your custom project!
After purchasing the product on CodeCanyon, you can download it directly from your account dashboard. Log in to your CodeCanyon account, go to the "Downloads" section, and click the download link next to the product. Detailed instructions and access links will be provided on the CodeCanyon platform upon successful purchase.
After purchasing the product on CodeCanyon, you can download it directly from your account dashboard. Log in to your CodeCanyon account, go to the "Downloads" section, and click the download link next to the product. Detailed instructions and access links will be provided on the CodeCanyon platform upon successful purchase.
No programming knowledge is required. The product is designed with a user-friendly interface and includes comprehensive documentation. However, for advanced customization, programming knowledge might be beneficial.